Creative sewing in shades of purple: Dandelion emerges

It’s often surprising what emerges when you work intuitively without a plan or design in mind. The cloth and stitches just somehow unfold their own story. This time a dandelion field emerged.
Creative sewing in shades of purple: a little handstitching
Creative sewing in shades of purple: a little handstitching
I’ve used a lot of scrim in this piece in various ways. It has wonderful texture and is much easier to work with when making this type of textile art than cheesecloth which has a looser weave and tends to fray far too much. Scrim seems to fray “just enough”.
Creative sewing in shades of purple: a little handstitching
In this section, different colors of scrim were plaited together to make a dimensional dandelion stem. Strips of scrim were stitched in with some pieces of crinkled ribbon to create a textured shrub, and strips were twisted to form rosettes for the garden. If you want to know how to make rosettes you can find dozens of tutorials here on my Flower and Rosette Pinterest board.
Creative sewing in shades of purple: a little handstitching
I had originally intended to use the design elements in this way.
Creative sewing in shades of purple: a little handstitching
But turned upside down the sheer organza pieces became a cloud and the velvet made a lovely background for the windswept dandelion seeds. Funny how things turn out.
Creative sewing in shades of purple: a little handstitching
See Part 1 here
See Part 1 here