Working intuitively: there's fabric bowls and then there's .. well I'm not quite sure yet

Today I got a little more work done on the fabric bowl that I started the other day.
Using Peltex: Fabric Bowl
As I mentioned, this is an intuitive work-in-progress which means that I have no clue how it’s going to end up, and at this point I have no design or pattern sketched out apart from the plate-shape.
Working intuitively can be a challenging process. It involves moving forward with your work without quite knowing where the next step is going to take you, but trusting that a vision will eventually reveal itself. It’s a process that really reinforces the idea that although you bring the creation to life, you are not really the creator. My best work comes from this process so I’ve learned to pay attention.
Once I had the shape made, I let it sit for a while to see what happened; to see if an idea would form for the next step. But nothing happened and I knew if I left things too long it would end up an abandoned project. So I started digging out some threads and fibers in colors that coordinated with the fabric on the bowl with the intention that I’d add some embellishment of some sort.
And just as soon as I’d finished gathering everything together and was admiring how pretty it all looked, it came to me in a flash and I knew exactly how it should be finished.
Using Peltex: Fabric Bowl
After I’d put away all the threads and the beads and the fibers, it was off to the sewing machine. I normally do this sewing technique on fabric paper so this was the first time I’ve tried it directly onto Peltex but it was very easy to sew.
Using Peltex: Fabric Bowl
Using Peltex: Fabric Bowl
Then comes the paint. I’ll probably have to wait a day or two while I add another coat of paint and let it all dry thoroughly. More soon.
Using Peltex: Fabric Bowl