Secrets Revealed

A Nature-Inspired Memory Journal
This week I’m continuing my year-long journey of making daily art and today marks day 73.
During March I’m using the “Free Spirit” printable journal kit to make a quote journal. At first, my intention was to simply make a lovely journal as a place to store my favorite quotations all in one place. However after making daily journal pages for several weeks now, I’ve begun to realize that the specific quotations that we’re drawn to are really much more than just inspiring words.
The type of quotes and words that we like to use and remember ultimately reveal something about ourselves. They tell the stories of our hopes and dreams, our ambitions and goals. They reveal and reflect a secret part of ourselves that’s often not visible to the world at large.
I’ve also discovered that making small pieces of daily art in the way that I have been this year has turned into a form of personal art journaling. The only difference being that instead of paints and pencils I use fabric and stitches and printable journal pages. This is a new thought for me and something I didn’t expect when I began my daily art-making. I can’t wait to see how this journey unfolds.
You can find the “Free Spirit” printable journal kit as well as my other printable journal kits here in my online store.

This Week’s Journal Pages

Quotation Journal: Journey
Quotation Journal: Moments
Quotation Journal: Path Less Traveled
Quotation Journal: Blossom
Quotation Journal: What You Seek
Quotation Journal: Beginnings
Quotation Journal: Unfolding
I’ve started to assemble the pages, getting ready to make my completed journal.
Free Spirit Journal
Free Spirit Journal
Free Spirit Journal
Free Spirit Journal
Free Spirit Journal

About my Daily Journal Pages

During March I’m using my printable journal – Free Spirit to make daily journal pages. At the end of the month I’ll be assembling the pages to make a completed journal.
If you’d like to create your own quote journal, you can find the Free Spirit printable journal kit here in my online store. You can see more of my journal pages here.