Beginnings, endings and fresh inspiration

Beginnings, endings and fresh inspiration
Yesterday ended a full 31 days of daily journaling, one page per day. I allowed myself 15 minutes per day and some days it took a little less time, some days it took a little more time so it all worked out in the end. I’ve already begun to assemble the pages into a journal.
Beginnings, endings and fresh inspiration
I really enjoyed the process of choosing one memory per day to use as inspiration for my journal pages and I found that over the weeks I’ve begun to be more mindful of the things that happen during the day. Even dealing with daily routines, stress and other misadventures, I find myself looking for the small memorable moments in each day.
To make these daily journal pages easy and fun to use, during the month of January I used pages from my Taking Flight Printable Journal Kit as backing pages for my journal.

This Month’s Journal

This month I’m making a nature-inspired memory journal – a daily journal inspired by the elements of nature that I want to remember most. During last month I made several nature-inspired journal pages using elements of nature such as leaves and twigs.
Beginnings, endings and fresh inspiration
I really enjoyed the process of working with these elements of nature, so for this month I’ve designed a printable nature journal with the theme – The Nature of Things.
Creative Art'n'Soul Journal: The Nature of Things
This nature journal is also inspired by my latest online workshop – Fragments of Nature – and during the month as I create my journal pages I’ll also be creating a step-by-step, month-long nature journal workshop which will be included with the Fragments of Nature workshop. You can find out more about the Fragments of Nature Online Workshop here.
If you’d like to create your own nature-inspired journal, you can find The Nature of Things here in my online store. You can see more of my journal pages here.

Latest Pages

25th January
Walking around the backyard, everything is still and waiting for spring.
Walking around the backyard, everything is still and waiting for spring.
26th January
Words to remember.
Words to remember.
27th January
A morning creating with my fiber art group. A small collage using some of the fabrics that were used.
A morning creating with my fiber art group. A small collage using some of the fabrics that were used.
28th January
Sunday is a day for quiet contemplation and personal journaling.
Sunday is a day for quiet contemplation and personal journaling.
29th January
Making time for some contemplative stitching.
Making time for some contemplative stitching.
30th January
The birds at migrating at the present time so there are lots of birds in the yard and lots of noise.
The birds at migrating at the present time so there are lots of birds in the yard and lots of noise.
31st January
The last day of the month and the final journal page for the month. Beginnings and endings are never truly what they seem.
The last day of the month and the final journal page for the month.
I’ve begun to assemble the pages into a journal and have completed several signatures. Only one more to go and then I can finish it. It was a bit of trial and error deciding how to attach the pages, but I like the way it’s turning out. I’ll probably add more stitching and interesting bits and pieces before I finish it completely.
Creative Art'n'Soul Journal Page
Creative Art'n'Soul Journal Pagen
Creative Art'n'Soul Journal Page
Creative Art'n'Soul Journal Page
Creative Art'n'Soul Journal Page