Handbag feet are often overlooked when you are in the process of making a bag or purse, but they are the perfect way to finish off any bag or purse that has a firm base. They look good and give your bag a professional finish, PLUS they’re also functional and can protect the bottom of your bag by keeping it raised above any dirty surface you might put it down on.
There are several different types of handbag feet available. Some come without washers but I find that a washer adds stability and helps to keep the foot from wobbling around which eventually loosens it.
Depending on the design of your bag, you can attach handbag feet once the outside fabric is in place but before the lining is attached, or you can attach them if the lining has been sewn in and has a hole for turning that is large enough to get your hand through. And installing them is a breeze.
You simply measure in about 3/4″ from each corner of the base of your bag and make a mark. This measurement can be adjusted depending on your bag, and if you have a very large bag, you can add an additional one or two feet in the middle.
I like to use quilting pins to determine the placement for my feet. They give a good visual which is helpful before you go poking holes into the fabric.
Once you’re happy with the placement, remove the pin and mark the position with a pencil or a sharpie.
Then you need to make a hole. Depending on the type of handbag foot you use, you need to make either one or two holes. For the type I use, I make two small slits using a seam ripper.
Push the prongs through from the bottom.
And on the inside, place the washer over the prongs and press the prongs open.
I usually iron a small piece of fusible interfacing over the top to keep the prongs in position and prevent them from catching on the lining. You can also add handbag feet to your purchased handbags or even after you’ve completed sewing your bag. To conceal the prongs, once the feet are attached simply iron a small patch of coordinating fabric over the prongs using wonder-under fusible webbing, or glue the patch on using fabric glue.
They make such a difference to the look of your bag!