The Dream Keeper

The Dream Keeper
Since 2010, instead of making new year’s resolutions which have generally fallen by the wayside within a few weeks or months, I’ve been choosing a single word and using it as a guide to navigate through the year.
A single word is a powerful thing. It’s a simple reminder of all the things that you want to achieve throughout the year, and it also provides clarity and focus to help you stay on track. Unlike resolutions, a single word also comes with no rigid expectations. A word is flexible, which means you can continuously adjust and modify things as the year progresses.
I’ve found that by using a single word to guide me through the year, I can achieve so much more than when using resolutions. I can set goals that are achievable in the long-term, and I even get to see some of my dreams come true, simply by letting the word be a guide rather than a rule.
My word for 2018 is transformation, and this year as well as choosing a word I also made a visual reminder – a piece of assemblage art that I can hang on the wall and which represents my word. I called it The Dream Keeper.
The Dream Keeper
The purpose of the Dream Keeper is to keep my word safely tucked inside the mini-journal, and to be a daily reminder of my word, my goals, and my dreams. When life gets busy, it’s easy to forget that we have goals and dreams. They seem to get left by the wayside as we struggle to deal with life’s challenges. I find that having a reminder of some sort is a perfect way to remember to get back on track sooner rather than later.
When I make intentional art, or art that has a purpose such as the Dream Keeper, I like to use personal symbols and metaphors when sewing and stitching. It makes the artwork meaningful and gives it a strong purpose. The symbol on the front of the mini-journal represents a Firebird which is a mythical bird that from time to time spontaneously bursts into flames and is then reborn from its ashes. The Firebird is a powerful symbol of transformation.
The Dream Keeper
The Dream Keeper

Make you’re own Dream Keeper

I really enjoyed making the Dream Keeper and it hangs on my wall where I can see it every day. It reminds me to make sure that I do something every day toward fulfilling my yearly path of transformation.
If you’d like to make your own Dream Keeper using personal symbols to create meaningful art, I’ve made this project available as a mini-online class. You can find details and registration here in my online classroom.

What’s your word for the new year?

If you’ve chosen a word for 2018, share it in the comments below. I’d love to know how you imagine your year will unfold.