An Art Journal Page: Changes in Nature

With this art journal page, instead of looking within and contemplating the changes that can affect us at a personal level, I looked outward at the changes that occur as a part of nature.
Over time, nature’s elements of wind, rain and sun, can create changes to even the most hardened metals and surfaces. Bright, shiny metals become rusted and worn; smooth surfaces become rugged and rough. Yet even though nature seems to cause chaos and havoc with the passing of time, there remains an intrinsic beauty within the changes brought about by this natural deterioration.
This art journal challenge gave me the opportunity to try out some rust paste that I had bought a while back and hadn’t yet tried. I was amazed at how easy it was to use, and how authentic it looked once applied. Overall I love the way that this journal page turned out and I had a ton of fun playing with textures, paints and pastes. This was a complete turnaround from last week’s effort which didn’t go completely as planned.
If you scroll to the end of the page, you can find a list of supplies I used, as well as time-lapse video showing how everything went together.
Art Journal Page: Change
Art Journal Page: Change
Art Journal Page: Change
Art Journal Page: Change
Art Journal Page: Change
Art Journal Page: Change

Art Journal Page Time-Lapse

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